WBP Jack DIY - 545SR

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Was: $899.00
SALE: $749.00

Jack Rifle 5.45 DIY options:

Save money and customize the gun the way you want!!
This is a base rifle with all of the hard conversion work already completed. All you need to add is a Furniture set and mag.

  • Original Polish Fire Control groups & Gas piston in place
  • Includes: 2 wood stock screws, standard grip screw & nut, US Slant Brake
  • Ships to FFL Dealer for transfer as a rifle (NOT a barreled receiver!)
  • OAL from muzzle to tang is over 26" and barrel is 16", this is a RIFLE
  • 5 additional US parts needed for 922r; 1x US Slant Brake is provided with the gun.
  • Will need furniture set & magazine
  • CALIFORNIA CUSTOMERS: Verify with your receiving FFL before you place the order!!! We are seeing some FFL's accept these and others are being extremely difficult and forcing customers to ship these rifles back to us. Verify with your FFL!

We are now opening up options for you to customize how much work you want us to perform on your rifle conversion, to offer a more flexible price point for those who are looking to save and perform some of these tasks themselves!

Rifles ordered without paint/refinishing can expect minor dings and paint/finish wear from machine work. Examples: Any cut surface will be bare (magwell, bayonet lug, front sight), mag catch is fitted to a variety of mags, minor paint chips may occur, and metal shavings will likely be present.

Each Optional service adds to base price:

  • All rifles will receive the magwell cut from single stack to double stack to accept standard AK mags
  • Conversion Option: Welded Muzzle Nut Removal - Cut weld on muzzle nut to reveal threads underneath
  • Conversion Option: Bayonet Lug Cut - mill bayonet lug to accept bayonet mounting
  • Conversion Option: Touch up paint on machined areas (adds working and drying time, may add up to +1 week to process order)
  • If you are looking for the DIY package that we have always offered in the past, choose all of these options!
  • NEW! Now offering the ability to UPGRADE to 90 degree gas block and 24mm front sight for only $199! If you select this option, slant brake or thread protector will not be included. We offer several US-made 24mm muzzle devices if one is needed HERE ***Use code UPGRADE24 to receive 20% off one muzzle device from that category when choosing to upgrade parts!!***
    • When selecting the Upgrade, please do not choose bayonet lug or muzzle nut removal options, as those will be moot services when upgrading the parts.

WBP AK47 545SR Jack Rifle Features

  • Made by WBP in Poland
  • 5.45x39 semi auto
  • Forged Polish Barrel Trunnion
  • 4150 Black Nitride Polish Barrel, Military Spec 1:7.87 (1:8)
  • All new quality Polish parts
  • Bolt carrier is fully machined from hammer forged steel 
  • Polish Import markings on Receiver
  • Matching numbers on parts that have numbers present
  • Polish Eagle marking on rear sight block
  • Bayonet Lug
  • Threaded barrel 14mmx1 left hand
  • Beautiful Black finish
  • AK Side Rail for Optic Mounts
  • Enhanced Mag Catch and Safety Selector
  • Original Polish Fire Control groups 
  • Standard rear stock trunnion

Imported from Rogow Poland and manufactured by WBP, the Jack rifle offers rock solid features. WBP is a Polish based firearms firm supplying parts and firearms to Police, Military and Civilian shooters all over the globe. This Jack rifle is chambered in 5.45x39 semi auto and accepts AK74 magazines and accepts almost all AKM parts and furniture giving a wide amount of modularity.

These are beautiful rifles with Old School styling and look like an AK should look with gorgeous laminate stock set and deep rich black metal finish. The barrels are made by WBP in house, from 4150 steel and finished with black nitride. The rifle sports factory serial numbers on most major parts and the Polish Eagle on the left side of the sight block for added collectability & resale value. If you are looking for an AK rifle with Old School style and quality this may be the perfect rifle!

The roll out of new WBP models has been slow as they have wanted to focus on quality over quantity of their product but they are now up to 10 different models being produced, all with the same classic features and quality you've come to expect! The WBP Team will continue to listen to input from their customers and you can expect new and exciting WBP firearms and accessories in the future.


This is a firearm so we must ship it to an FFL holder.

During Checkout you will be prompted to type in and select your FFL. If we have them on file and place your order, no further action is needed and we will ship within 5-7 busines days or less, depending on order volume.

If we do not have the FFL on file, you will receive a notification that we will need to receive a copy of that FFL liscense. At that point, please have your FFL dealer email us a copy of their FFL to FFL@armsofamerica.com and reference your order number and name. Once we receive it, we can finish processing your order.

Our full FFL policy can be found here. Thank you!


  • 5
    New favorite caliber

    Posted by Andrew M on Apr 6th 2024

    Rifle shoots really soft even softer than my 556 Jack. I ran 150 rounds of 7N6 through it and it was flawless. I like it a lot! I also used Izzy plum mags and East Germans bakes. And even a Molot 45 RD

  • 4
    So close!!

    Posted by Wilson on Jan 19th 2024

    This really is a great feeling rifle. Has zero finish issues or fitment issues, and I cannot begin to express how much I like that it mixes the AKM with the 5.45 round. They completely missed the mark with the barrel, however. The nitride barrel significantly lowers my rating on this AK. 5.45 is very commonly a corrosive round, so the nitride to me was almost a deal breaker. Hopefully a good supply of CHF Chrome Lined barrels can be produced by somebody in the near future and I can swap this stock barrel out for one that will really stand the test of time. Other than that, zero complaints.